Early in 2021 I started my journey into NFTs (Non fungible tokens). This blockchain-based technology offers digital artists the possibility to sell their creations as unique items through online plattforms. From the beginning I was only using the environmentally friendly blockchain TEZOS to "mint" my pieces. Through a distinctive style and commitment, my work became popular among artists and collectors and is constantly on display in exhibitions in cities like Tokyo, New York, Paris or Lisbon.
My artworks revolve around creating a unique atmosphere through sound and image. Most pieces are audiovisual with a cinematic and analogue quality to it. The look and feel is influenced by early cinema and photography. The CGI models, images and the sounds are all created from scratch in a meticulous process and with love for detail.
Below you see a selection of artworks, that are in digital art vaults of collectors from all around the world.
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